NATO: Increasing the role of nuclear weapons
The Heads of State and Government that participated in the NATO summit in Warsaw Poland on 8-9 July 2016 issued a series of documents and statements, including a Summit Communiqué …
The Heads of State and Government that participated in the NATO summit in Warsaw Poland on 8-9 July 2016 issued a series of documents and statements, including a Summit Communiqué …
During the recent meeting in Geneva of the “Open Ended Working Group to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations”, or nuclear working group, a group of diverse faith-based organizations issued …
Meer dan honderd lidstaten van de Verenigde Naties hebben aangegeven te willen werken aan een wereldwijd verbod en eliminatie van kernwapens door de ‘humanitarian pledge’ te steunen. Nederland laat het …
And it’s over. A month of revolving negotiations in New York, a month of reiterated statements, a month of diplomatic back and forth, a month of so called negotiations, and… …
The end of the review conference, the beginning of action Read More »
Zich het hoofd breken. Een rare uitdrukking. Ik breek mij het hoofd. Of breek ik mij mijn hoofd. Ik weet het niet. Maar het is wel precies wat ik nu …
Plèeèèdzjjjjjj: hoe meeuwenkak gaat leiden tot een verbod op kernwapens Read More »
This line seems underlines the crux of the debate at the NPT. Is it ever acceptable to use nuclear weapons? If so, when?
On Thursday, 23 April the Dutch Parliament (Tweede Kamer) adopted a motion saying the government must join, in a substantive manner, international negotiations on a treaty banning nuclear weapons, without …
NATO keeps calling itself a nuclear alliance, but what would that mean in a world where nuclear weapons were clearly illegal? PAX has just produced “Dealing with a ban“, a …
What would banning nuclear weapons mean for NATO? Read More »
Nuclear weapons are often presented as promoting security, particularly during times of international instability. However, testimonies by nuclear experts and former nuclear force officers have shown that accidental nuclear-weapon detonations …
Nuclear weapons are often presented as promoting security, particularly during times of international instability. However, testimonies by nuclear experts and former nuclear force officers have shown that accidental nuclear-weapon detonations …