Humanitarian Consequences

Austria to host next step in humanitarian initiative on nuclear weapons

The Austrian Foreign Minister, Sebastian Kurz, announced today that he will host an international conference later this year on nuclear weapons. The conference will discuss how best to ensure that …

Austria to host next step in humanitarian initiative on nuclear weapons Read More »

Oostenrijk organiseert volgende conferentie over humanitaire gevolgen kernwapens

Goed nieuws uit Mexico! Momenteel komen zo’n 146 staten bijeen in Nayarit, Mexico, om te praten over de humanitaire gevolgen van kernwapens. Vandaag kondigde de Oostenijkse Minister van Buitenlandse zaken, Sebastian …

Oostenrijk organiseert volgende conferentie over humanitaire gevolgen kernwapens Read More »

Dutch Government wants to be part of any process on nuclear weapons, but actions speak louder than words.

In a debate between Dutch Parliamentarians and the foreign and defence ministers on 29 January, Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans made it clear that the humanitarian consequences statements (NPT and …

Dutch Government wants to be part of any process on nuclear weapons, but actions speak louder than words. Read More »

124 states condemn unacceptable effects of nuclear weapons: ‘very survival of humanity depends on nuclear weapons never being used’

A joint statement on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons was delivered by New Zealand today at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Expressing deep concern for the …

124 states condemn unacceptable effects of nuclear weapons: ‘very survival of humanity depends on nuclear weapons never being used’ Read More »