Author name: Selma van Oostwaard

Selma supports all the disarmament work at PAX with a special emphasis on the No Nukes team. In 2014 she and other PAX disarmament campaigners launched a public campaign in the Netherlands to initiate the creation of national legislation to outlaw nuclear weapons: One of the result of this national campaign is that a vast majority of the House wants the Netherlands to start working internationally for a nuclear weapons ban.

Invitation debate 4 March: A Crisis We Cannot Prepare For: The Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons”

Nuclear weapons are often presented as promoting security, particularly during times of international instability. However, testimonies by nuclear experts and former nuclear force officers have shown that accidental nuclear-weapon detonations …

Invitation debate 4 March: A Crisis We Cannot Prepare For: The Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons” Read More »

Overlevende Hiroshima roept op samen te zorgen voor kernwapenverbod

De Japanse Setsuko Thurlow (83) heeft het allemaal zien gebeuren. Zij is overlevende van de atoomaanval op Hiroshima en weet als geen ander wat een vreselijke gevolgen zo’n aanval heeft. …

Overlevende Hiroshima roept op samen te zorgen voor kernwapenverbod Read More »