
Nuclear Morality

Nuclear weapons have a moral component- their incredible destructive power means they are designed for annihilation. Annihilation, Armageddon, these are biblical images for the end of the world. Nuclear weapons, …

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Uranium oxide or a delicacy to bake on a cold, dark Sunday afternoon: yellowcake has two very different faces. As the holidays are fast approaching, as the weather gets colder …

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Review: The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) report, “Reducing Nuclear Risks in Europe: A framework for action

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) report,“Reducing Nuclear Risks in Europe: A framework for action”, is a well timed effort to sum up the state of the debate on NATO nuclear …

Review: The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) report, “Reducing Nuclear Risks in Europe: A framework for action Read More »

The Dutch government can and should demand that the Alliance takes the rational and mature decision to retire the obsolete TNW

Please find below Wilbert van der Zeijden’s article on TNW that appears this week in magazine Internationale Spectator. Wilbert shows that NATO’s Defence and Deterrence Posture Review process offers a last chance …

The Dutch government can and should demand that the Alliance takes the rational and mature decision to retire the obsolete TNW Read More »