Auspicious beginnings to exhaustive efforts
Arriving in Vienna for the NPT Prepcom I was struck by a few things it’s warmer here than in Utrecht, it’s actually spring! the apartment we rented is across the …
Arriving in Vienna for the NPT Prepcom I was struck by a few things it’s warmer here than in Utrecht, it’s actually spring! the apartment we rented is across the …
By: Anastasia Nikitinskaya* Dear ladies and gentlemen, my name is Anastasia Nikitinskaya, and I’m your captain on this blog today (Enjoy your flight!). I am one of the eight lucky …
There is a war going on here. It is polite. No one is getting shot, yet, but it is intense, and the outcome will determine the future of humans on …
Pax Christi International issued a statement on Iran, 22 March 2012, in which the international peace movement and network clearly and unequivocally rejects the possibility of military action against Iran …
Australia’s Prime Minister introduced a resolution in their House of Representatives yesterda, calling for Australia to do more on nuclear weapon issues. There are some sad things missing though… While …
The first half of 2012 offers two key opportunities for Europe to advance the nuclear disarmament agenda. Le premier semestre 2012 offre deux opportunités clés pour l’Europe, afin de faire …
On 16 March 2012, Pax Christi International issued a new statement on nuclear disarmament which is published on the occasion of the Colloquium « Le Désarmement nucléaire demain? » organized …
This article was published in Government Gazette, October 2012 Nuclear disarmament. The phrase alone can trigger reluctance, skepticism or a ‘not in my lifetime’-attitude in any civil servant or politician. …
For over 100 years, 8 March has been commemorated as a day when women demand their rightful place in peace negotiations. Whether those be through local governance or by taking …
Dear friends and colleagues, What would you do with a billion dollars? A trip around the world, or maybe two? A villa or a cottage? A Jaguar? Stop working? Make …