Actions speak louder than words
Actions speak louder than words- something that we say to diplomats, especially from nuclear armed countries, all the time. Action is a powerful tool, and action is the focus of …
Actions speak louder than words- something that we say to diplomats, especially from nuclear armed countries, all the time. Action is a powerful tool, and action is the focus of …
This is the second speech I deliverd in Berlin last week. The Middle Powers Initiative organised an two day conference on Creating the Conditions and Building the Framework for a …
Susi in Berlin- part 2: building the framework for a nuclear weapons free world Read More »
I spoke at an event in Berlin last week on the topic: What can civil society do for a nuclear weapons free world? The room was packed full- over 100 …
Today the Dutch Fair Banking guide launched a report showing seven Dutch banks invest more than 1.5 billion Euros in nuclear weapons producers. The report shows that Dutch banks invest …
Seven Dutch banks invest more than 1.5 billion Euros in nuclear weapons Read More »
As we jumped to the ground from the purple cab of the 18-wheel truck, the driver said “hang on there, you’re doing a good thing, let me give you something”. …
As an American ex-pat living in the Netherlands there are a number of interesting customs and practices to get used to. The Dutch are very direct people, and not shy …
The government of Norway has now invited all countries in the world to participate in a Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons.
‘How does the fear of Weapons of Mass Destruction dominate daily life in the Middle East?’ This was the main question on Wednesday October 31 during a debate organized by …
Fear of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East Read More »
Debate Afraid of the bomb, Wednesday 31 October, Humanity House, the Hague How does the fear of Weapons of Mass Destruction dominate daily life in the Middle East? This will …
They are called ‘Hibakusha’: the surviving victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. However, the Hibakusha and other victims of nuclear weapons are usually not discussed …
New campaign gives a human face on the fight against nuclear weapons Read More »