New York hearing on nuclear weapon legislation
On 28 January the New York City Council is holding a hearing on a package of legislation- joint hearing on Res. No. 976 and Int. No. 1621. The package of legislation represents a …
On 28 January the New York City Council is holding a hearing on a package of legislation- joint hearing on Res. No. 976 and Int. No. 1621. The package of legislation represents a …
A treaty banning all nuclear weapon was adopted today at the UN in New York. “It’s a historic day,” says Krista van Velzen, campaign leader for PAX. “PAX played a …
Het laatste massavernietigingswapen dat nog niet illegaal was, is vandaag verboden. “Het is een historische dag”, zegt Krista van Velzen, campagneleider van PAX. De vredesorganisatie is aanwezig bij de onderhandelingen …
Kernwapenverbod is een feit, Nederland stemt tegen Read More »