Mexico: 146 Staten geconfronteerd met de verschrikkelijke impact van kernwapens

Tijdens de conferentie gaande in Mexico, het vervolg op de Oslo conferentie, waar gesproken wordt over de humanitaire consequenties van kernwapens, hebben een bijzonder indrukwekkende reeks sprekers hebben toelichting gegeven op onder andere de impact van de inzet van kernwapens op Hiroshima en Nagasaki, de impact van de kernproeven tot nu toe, de lange termijn effecten van het Tsjernobyl ongeval. De Mexicaanse regering presenteerde een scenario waarin een grote kernbom ontplofte in Mexico stad, IPPNW (artsen voor preventie kernoorlog) vertelden over hun studie naar de effecten van een kleinschalige nucleaire aanval op het klimaat en voedselproductie, de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie vertelde over de gezondheidseffecten van een nucleaire explosie. Verschillende sprekers vertelde over de vele ongevallen met kernwapens tot nu toe. De 146 aanwezige landen hebben kunnen horen hoe noodzakelijk het is om eindelijk te effectieve maatregelen te nemen om de wereld kernwapenvrij te maken.

Lees hier Krista’s blog (in het Engels) over de tweede dag van de Mexico conferentie:

“Today the second conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons in Mexico started with a good burst of energy, as Austria had just made the announcement to host a follow up later this year. Great to know the Mexico conference will not be the last one and that the issue of the impact of nukes will continue to be discussed.

Last night a long time American peace activist said to me, while laughing out loud: ‘We can’t keep on having meetings like this.’ She then explained that two conferences in which experts present their evidence on the humanitarian impact of the use of nuclear weapons should be enough to convince any sane person that it is time to act. The agenda of the third conference should give the opportunity to make a step forward and discuss solutions. It’s no secret we already have the best solution to stop future catastrophic humanitarian harm, the elimination of all nuclear weapons.

Today 146 delegations were confronted with a long list of speakers that all presented evidence on the impact of these weapons of mass destruction.

Some evidence was based on what is known from the impact of the use of nukes and nuclear testing in the past. There were testimonies by several Hibakusha, survivors of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Japanese Red Cross presented data on the effects of these bombs on people’s health after decades and over longer distances. Data on the impact of the Russian nuclear testing in Semipalatinsk on health was presented.

Research was presented on the effect of small scale nuclear wars on the climate and food production. The Mexican government presented research into the effects of a small scale nuclear blast in Mexico city. Article 36 presented their research on a similar blast in Manchester. Delegations raised questions, proposed to talk about solutions, a roadmap towards a better future..

I feel overwhelmed. The evidence keeps piling up, speaker after speaker. It’s so clear something needs to be done about this madness. How much more of these nightmare stories need to be shared before all states are convinced we need a ban on these weapons now?”

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